Big Bald Dave's
Adventure Scholarship

The Yellowstone Club Community Foundation is proud to honor the memory of Dave Mueller and his love for outdoor adventure by awarding an extraordinary summer adventure to one Big Sky student.

The trip is generously supported and coordinated by Adventures Cross Country, which has been designing and operating fulfilling and enriching programs exclusively for students for more than 30 years.

Scholarship Details:

Award: Summer trip offer by ARCC focused on outdoor adventure and service to others. Click here to see the trip offerings.

Candidates: Big Sky high school students in 9th-11th grades. Students must be 15 years of age before June 1, 2025.

Criteria: This award is for students who exhibit leadership skills, volunteerism, and a passion for the outdoors and/or adventure. This is not a need-based scholarship.

Application Deadline: March 10, 2025

Application Process: Applicants will fill out an eligibility form to ensure they qualify for the scholarship opportunity. Once determined to be eligible, applicants will be directed to an online application that includes questions about contact information, personal goals and interests, and a request for a reference in support of their application.

Review Process: Top candidates will be interviewed in March.

Notification: Decisions made by the end of April.

Note: Children of Yellowstone Club employees at the Director level and above are not eligible to apply.